Monday, September 2, 2013

Are the rich who marry/date from the ghetto, slumming it/gratifying themselves? free polls

Do poor or middleclass people believe the grass is greener on the other side free polls

Do you think wealthy people have more foul or illegal secrets? free polls
Do you think rich or wealthy people live happier lives? free polls 

Ridin' Da Bull, Grrrrrrrr!!!

Think i'm going to Wall St. early one morning with my camera man to ride this bull, i'm just sayin. Maybe it is meant to beMaybe I'm suppose to get in touch with some inner...i dunno. I said on Twitter that this bull has always reminded me of me. I don't know why but it has. Hmmm.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Why do we always seem so down or as if we have the weight of the world weighing down on our shoulders? It's not easy being a woman, we carry men. We're their backbone, whether they are there with us or abandoned us with responsibility, a child, children. We make it happen, it's the woman who keeps things going. Most recognize it, few appreciate it, yet we continue on and our job is never done. The weight of the world, hmmm, maybe it does rest on our shoulders, because it's not getting lighter, and we're still expected to keep things in order until or so the man can be the man he's suppose to be. We women, hmmm.


I guess we are the world.

Friday, July 26, 2013

 When I see pictures of African women such as these, I think of how strong we black, African American women are, no matter the complexion or skin tone. I think of what we've come from and how and why we are still able to continue forward. I get strength. I often google images of African Women Warriors...and just look, and I remember who I am, as I remember from whence and where I come.

When I see Luke Cage, I wonder where the manly strength (mentally and physically) of the Black, African American man has gone. I wonder where he self preservation, survival of the fittest has gone, that's missing in the will of  our  young black men. I'm afraid, I'm worried. So many now have more in common with Zoo animals than they do the male species of mankind. When is this hero coming to save young black males; and, where is this super hero going to come from? You? He? Him?

African American Super Hero Needed
Responsibility: Save young black males from themselves and others who want to do away with them.
Benefits: A healtheir, productive society that cares about it's youth.
Requirements: Blessed, Skilled, Educated, Concerned or striving to be; Humane; Ready to make a difference.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

"So, I was feeling a li'l funky today, so I decided to take a walk through the garden. It's a beautiful garden that I've made up in my mind ages ago. But, i finally bought it into fruition. In my garden, nothing that's mean or evil in the world matters. The only thing that matters is serenity and the beautiful world of God. You sit, stand, kneel, touch and take in the beauty he graced this land with. This is the only way I can maintain life, otherwise, I would fall off the nearest cliff. But, I do have this, I have this serenity and plethora of foral genius. Mounds and mounds of flowers await me behind my path, just around the corner of the archway. You too should have a garden, make one of your own. Life without one is sad and gloomy. They don't realize this, but they will soon, unbeknownst to them."
- Butler
Where Do We Go From Here, by Andrea Clinton
Fall 2013